Sunday, August 21, 2011

Simple Bruschetta

Simple Bruschetta

Bruschetta was one of the first things that I attempted when I began cooking, this recipe is simple and fool proof.

1 box Campari tomatoes
10 Fresh basil leaves
4 large garlic cloves
Sea salt
Fresh ground pepper
1 fresh white baguette

Step one: Set oven to 400 degrees.

Step two: Finely chop the tomatoes, add to medium mixing bowl.

Step three: Mince 4 cloves of garlic, add to bowl.

Step four: Cut basil into small strips, add to bowl.

Step five: Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil and a few pinches of sea salt to bowl.

Step six: Thinly slice baguette and Bake slices on baking sheet for approximately 5 minutes in oven.

Step seven: Pour small amount of olive oil on each baguette slice.

Step eight: Scoop tomato mixture onto bread slices.

Step nine: Season with freshly ground pepper.


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